Amount of food is unbeatable with the cost per week. Quality + all the add ons (aka eggs, aka yum). Your flexibility with pickup locations and times and the ability to swap items makes each week successful.
— 2021 CSA Member

We love our CSA that we have received for the last few years. The produce is high quality and a wide variety. We love being able to customize our share each week using Harvey to match our families needs. We also love supporting a local business and getting to know our farmers through the events they hold at their farm.
— Jill S.
My family has enjoyed a CSA share from Cedar Crate Farm for the last several years. We love the variety and quality of the fresh veggies and are always excited to get to try new things - we also appreciate their recipe suggestions to know how to cook new to us produce. It’s super easy to add on extra veggies that they have available as well as other things (we’ve done a bread share, apples, and a flower share the last few years which have been AMAZING to round out our crate) through the Harvie website. It’s always fun to interact with Dan and Lara during market days or pick up - they also host us out at the farm for a tour of what they have going on there. It’s a great way for us to learn about where our food is coming from and my family really enjoys it! Being able to support local sustainable food is important to us, and it’s fun to do when the food is great and you work with great people!
— Jill V.